I'm Greg Spencer and this is Substance Abuse Information Resources (SAIR).
If you've found us, chances are you are seeking information about some aspect of alcohol and drug use. Possibly, you or someone close to you is struggling with substance abuse issues.
I have spent more than 25 years in the substance abuse treatment field and have been in recovery myself for more than 30 years.
There is a wealth of information out there about addiction. But it's not in one place. SAIR's website seeks to guide you to the most current and reliable sources of useful information. The information may be in reports on substance abuse from government agencies and clinical experts, from media resources or from current videos on YouTube.
It is an accepted fact that the three major areas in the fight against substance misuse and addiction are prevention, treatment and recovery. However, most of today's resources go into treatment, recovery and law enforcement – all areas involving people who've already started to use alcohol and drugs in harmful ways.
SAIR is focused instead on trying to prevent the onset of substance misuse and addiction before it occurs by better educating ourselves about alcohol and drugs.
We offer free educational outreach programs focused on prevention and intervention in which SAIR will come to your community or church group, business or school for informative hour-long, interactive presentations. Contact us if you are interested in hearing more from SAIR in person about substance abuse and how to prevent it.
SAIR will also provide you with information about treatment and recovery options available in the Capital District of Albany, New York, including 12-step programs.
This website is a valuable resources and hope you will choose to take advantage of it.
SAIR was established in 2013 as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, donor-supported group to fill in what we see as a missing piece in the way we fight substance abuse and addiction.
It will give you the basics about the nature of addiction as a brain disease and why some people are more predisposed than others to substance misuse and addiction.
SAIR's "HUG" education program is based upon the principles of "HOPE," "UNDERSTANDING" and "GUIDANCE." Our education series will provide information that will allow you to understand addiction prevention.
Let us help you so that you can help yourself find the answers you are looking for. Remember, you do not have to do this alone!
–Greg Spencer, SAIR founder and executive director
Our executive director, Greg Spencer, discusses why people become addicted to alcohol and drugs and what they can do to successfully recover in a recent WISE forum on mental health issues on Zoom sponsored by the Journey United Church of Christ of Slingerlands, N.Y.... read more
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